GSoC Work Status

Written on July 23, 2020 - Tech - Post a comment below

Hey everyone,

In the previous blog I wrote about my GSoC first evaluation. In this blog I have written about activities on which I have worked further to add multiple datasets.

Division memory game

In this sub-activity of memory, the goal is to match a division and its result, until all cards are gone. It helps children to practice division.
The procedure of adding multiple datasets to this activity is the same as of other memory activities. We just need to create different Data.qml files in the resource directory and load the datasets. For this activity, we need to use the function getDivTable() implemented in math_util.js and pass the respective numbers ranging from 1-10 to it.
This activity also has two modes. The first mode is in which the child needs to turn the cards to match to its equivalent division result. The second mode is the one in which the child needs to play with Tux to match the equivalent cards, as this mode is called “with Tux”. I have implemented multiple datasets for both of the modes. The dataset content of the activity Division memory game with Tux is the same as without Tux.

After the addition of multiple datasets to both modes, I tested it manually to make sure it works perfectly without any regression. This activity has been merged into the master branch.

Below image shows the multiple datasets content of this activity


Addition and Subtraction memory game

In this sub-activity of memory, the child needs to turn the cards to match addition and subtraction and its result until all cards are gone.

The level of previous memory activities were based on only a single arithmetic operation as only-addition or only-division, but this memory activities has two different operations for a particular level. As in case of this activity for any level, there would be few cards on addition operation and few of them upon subtraction.
The dataset addition procedure for this activity is also similar to other memory activities. We just need to use the getAddMinusTable() function from math_util.js.
This activity also has two modes as one “with Tux” and another “without Tux”. I have implemented multiple datasets to both modes of the activity.
After the addition of datasets, I tested it manually and made a merge request for it. This activity has been merged into the master branch.

Below image shows the multiple datasets content of this activity

